Elizabeth “Mother” Ross was born Mary Elizabeth Williams in Indiana on February 16, 1852. She joined the Christian Church in Dayton, Ohio at age 16. She married Allison Ross on June 21, 1874, and the couple had a son, Emory Ross, and a daughter, who died as an infant. Both served as missionaries for Disciples of Christ missions. Elizabeth Ross was a dynamic speaker known for inspiring young people with her devotionals and inspirational talks.
In 1897, Allison and Elizabeth Ross were called to serve at Southern Christian Institute, a Disciples mission school for African American students in Edwards, Mississippi. Elizabeth Ross became a prominent advocate for African American causes and frequently spoke at other Black schools and colleges.
When Emory Ross embarked on missionary service to Liberia in 1912, Elizabeth Ross received praise from the Christian Woman’s Board of Missions for giving her beloved son to the cause of Christian brotherhood and service in Africa. In her later years, she became known as “Mother” Ross.
After Allison Ross died in 1913, Elizabeth Ross returned to Southern Christian Institute to live with the family of Joel Lehman. Elizabeth Ross died on September 12, 1926.
Image Credit: Elizabeth “Mother” Ross Biographical File, Disciples of Christ Historical Society.