Date of birth: June 23, 1954
Date of death: February 8, 2001 (47 years old)
Education: Bachelors of Arts, Fairmont State College
M.A., Sociology, West Virginia University
M.Div. & PhD, Vanderbilt University
Known for:
  • Historian of the Stone-Campbell Movement, Professor of Church History, Dean of Lexington Theological Seminary

The Historical Society is thrilled to have recently received Rev. Dr. Anthony (Tony) L. Dunnavant’s personal papers, which were previously held by Lexington Theological Seminary. This collection is a treasure trove for those studying Stone-Campbell history, reflecting the life, thought, and scholarship of one of our movement’s best historians. 

Dr. Dunnavant was born June 23, 1954, and passed away Feb 8, 2001. He was a well-respected and beloved Church historian who served as the dean of Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky. Dunnavant earned his B.A. in history and sociology in 1974 from Fairmont State College. In 1976, he obtained an M.A. in Sociology from West Virginia University. From there, he transitioned to Vanderbilt University, where he earned his M.Div. in 1979 and his Ph.D. in 1984 with a concentration on the history of Christianity. Dunnavant’s doctoral dissertation was entitled Restructure: Four Historical Ideals in the Campbell-Stone Movement and the Development of the Polity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Between his studies, Dunnavant served as a student minister for First Christian Church in Mannington, West Virginia, Dolls Run Christian Church in Core, West Virginia, and First Christian Church Guthrie, Kentucky.  Dunnavant Joined the Lexington Theological Seminary Faculty in 1987 and was appointed dean in 1998. Dunnavant also served in other roles. He was heavily involved in maintaining the Cane Ridge meeting house and was a trustee of the Cane Ridge Preservation Project.

The collection provides an excellent look into Dunnavant’s life and work. It also gives a sense of the time and place in which he was writing and teaching. During his tenure as a historian and professor, the Church faced many questions regarding its role in the world, not unlike today. Dunnavant’s tenure as a historian and teacher was significant because he inspired his students to care deeply about the movement’s history at a time when it was of particular importance.

The collection consists of a range of documents spanning his career. The primary artifacts within this collection are correspondence with colleagues and friends, drafts and early copies of Dunnavant’s academic work, and various syllabi and materials used in his teaching. This collection will particularly interest those researching the intersection between historical restorationist theology and modern liberation theologies. Dunnavant’s drafts of his “Lipscomb and Liberation” project highlight the similarities and differences surrounding modern and historical calls for a “preferential option for the poor.” Dunnavant’s approach centers around the Latin American liberation theology of Gustavo Gutierrez and how his calls for a church focused on the experiences of the poorest in society directly appeal to early restorationist theology. His analysis highlights the working-class nature of David Lipscomb’s theology and his calls for a world that rejects elitism. However, he carefully states that liberation theology and Lipscomb’s personal theology are not in a one-to-one relationship. Such an analysis interests anyone seeking liberation theology’s place within a Stone-Campbell framework. 

Another point of interest in this collection is Dunnavant’s explorations of the Restoration Movement’s intellectual history and theological innovation. Several of his drafts and publications center around tracking the development of restorationist theology within the American context. This collection contains essays about the history of American preaching, the Civil War and Reconstruction, and American religious thought. His work is a great resource for better understanding the Church’s historical positioning and why we are where we are today. Also, a significant part of Dunnavant’s legacy revolves around his time as a professor at Lexington Theological Seminary. Anyone looking to research Disciples’ pedagogy would find in this collection a multitude of examples of his influential teaching style, including many syllabi and various classroom materials such as exams and assigned readings. These would be useful for anyone looking to research Christian pedagogy or be inspired to develop their own.

The Dunnavant collection is a significant addition to the Disciples of Christ Historical Society, offering a wealth of resources for historians, church leaders, and lay individuals. The enduring value of documents like those in Dr. Dunnavant’s collection is their ability to continue revealing new insights long after their creation. These documents will continue to educate and inspire future generations to delve into the movement’s history and pose critical questions about our future. We trust that they will serve us well, just as Rev. Dr. Anthony L. Dunnavant did.

by Tristan Spangler-Dunning , DCHS Intern


            ACU Press

            C. Leonard Allen

            Ballard, Glenn

            Bartlett, Jeffrey

            Blowers, Paul M.

            Booser, James H.

            Joe Bragg

            Breeding, Bruce

            Brooks, R.M.

            Brown, Dale

            Stephen Brown

            Walter Brueggemann

            David Bundy

            Carr, Robert

            Cartwright, Colbert S.

            Catlett, Delancey

            Central, Fairmont

            Central, Book

            CC KY

            CBP Press


            Coffman, Don

            Paul Crow

            Culp, Kris

            Phil Dare

            Dickerson, Dennis [AME Historiographer]

            Howard Dentler




            Don DeWelt

            Doran, Adron

            Dietz, Charles

            Downey, Michael

            Duke, James O.


            John Elkins

            Elliott, Jon

            Evans, Mary Louis

            Ewing, Terry

            Ewing Terry

            Tim Farley

            Harley Fisk

            Jack Forstman

            Foster, Doug

            Bill Gerrard

            Garrett, Paul

            Clark Gilpin

            Ronald Graham

            Gonzalez, Justo

            Grott, Ray

             Richard Harrsion

            Gloria Hernandez

            Halloway, G.

            Huddart, Ann M.


Hughes, Richard

Humphrey, Lynn

Jagoe, B.

Johnson, Ed

RE Johnston, Vernon

Jones, Paul

Kelley, Darwin

Kent, Woody

Kokernot, JoyKoostra, Beth

Bill Kostlevy


Marcia Kump

Lester, Hiram

LTS Colleagues

Leighton, Pat



Lester G. McAllister

McCombs, Guy


Franklin McGuire

McKee, Cecil F.

Meyers, Allen C.

B. Miller

Miller, Bill

Charles Miller

Peter Morgan

 Norris, Fred

North, James B.


Nottingham, Bill


Odell-Scott, David

Ronald Osborn

Parrott, Rod

Patzwald, Gari-Anne

Paulsell, Bill

Pennybacker, A.M.



Revare, Jack


Richardson, William


Robertson, James E.


David A. Roozen


Mrs. Roseberry

Rowell, Cy.

Samuel, Virginia


Sharp, Allin

Shank, Harold


Smith, Nathan S. (Pete)



Spangler, Amy

Steffer, Robert W.

Steiner, Thomas

Etc. Steiner, Tom

Steinmetz, George

Stevenson, Dwight

Stone, Pablo

Karen Stroup


Taylor, Marilyn

Thompson, David

Toulouse, Mark

Walker, Erline

Wallace, Charlie and Ruth

Watkins, Keith


With Ticknor

Waldrop, A. Guy

Watts, Craig

Weiler, Bill

Widener, Gregory—

Newell Williams


Woodford Co. Hist. Soc.

James Wyker

Zimmerman, Jeff

Zimmerman, Terry 

Lexington, LTQ Pre-Publication Issues and Committee Papers


            Articles/Reviews Published (Sampling Only)

            93 Quarterly

            Articles Received 1991-92

            Articles Rejected (Response Forms)

            Articles Pending (Response Forms)

            Title Pages, etc.

            B. R.’s LTQ Guidelines

            Published LTQ Reviews

            Book Reviews – WITHDRAWN BY WRITERS

            Stephenson’s Book

            Book Review – Requests

            Book Reviews

            Correspondence with (prospective) writers

            Spring 93

            Spring 93

            Summer 93

            93 Fall

            Wint. 93

            Spring 94

            FALL [COULD IT BE SATAN?]

            Summer 94

            Summer 94

Lexington, LTQ Pre-Publication Issues and Committee Papers

            Sum/Fall 94

            Summers Fall 1994

            Fall 94

            WNTR 94

            Wnt. 94

            Tony Dunnavant

            Current LTQ Copy – Dr. Anthony

            Fall 95

            Fall 1995 LTQ

            “Sample Pages”


            Articles rejected or withdrawn by author

            July/Oct 91

            Jan 92

            January 1992


            April 1992

            July-1992 issue

            Coats issue

Dunnavant Academic Writings – Dissertation

            History of Am.Preaching

            Civil War and Recon

            Amer. Rel. Thought

            Prof. Johnson


            Dr. Farley


            New Testament

            Pauline Interp. Of Xianity

            Radical Tradition

            Modern America

            Mayes’ Thesis

            PROPOSAL –Early Drafts

            [BLANK] – Contains Dissertation Proposal


            Dissertation Draft #1

            Dissertation – Dupl. Pages

            Material from Robert Burns, given to Tony Dunnavant




            Duplicate pages, etc

            Interviews – 1982



            First Draft – Reworked Portion

            1st Draft – Unreworked

            Dissertation – Notes, Corrections, Synopsis for Defense, Bibliography for conclusion, etc

            Diss. Correspond.

Dunnavant Academic Writings – Drafts/Sources

            MISC – 7 items in front

            American National Biography

            Social Institutions

            Loose Papers

            Amerc –Writing Project (Leonard)

            Ch. 1-4, Edited Notes


            CB Chapter Two (1842-1861)


            CB Chapter Three (1862-1893)



            CB Chapter Four (1894-1921)

            SOURCES CITED 4


            CB Chapter Five (1922-1943)


            Sources Cited – Chapter Five

            CB Chapter Six (1944-1969)

            Sources Cited – Chapter Five

            CB Chapter Six (1944-1969)

            Sources Cited Chapter 6

            Chapter Six – DRAFT sources not cited

            Chapt. Six (Misc.)

            “Final” Sources not directly cited

            Smith years INTERVIEW

            T. M. Allen

            T.N. Arnold

            James Challen

            S.S. Church

            William Clark

            W. F. Cowden

            Jacob Creath Jr.

            Jacob Creath Sr.

            Geo. Elley

            James Fishback

            John Gano

            Robert Graham

            B. F. Hall

            James Henshall

            W. H. Hopson

            W. Hartly Hopson

             John T. Johnson

            A.B. Jones

            Allen Kendrick

            Moses Lard

            C. K. Marshall

            Robert T. Matthews

            William R. McChesney

            John W. McGarvey

            Francis Palmer

            A L Robbins

            John Rogers (The Elder)

            John I. Rogers

            Newton Short

            John S. Shouse

            CJ Smith

            “Racoon” John Smith

            Thomas Smith

            I.J. Spencer

            Barton W. Stone

            John G. Thompkins

            L.B. Wilkes

            A. W. Fortune

            M. Glynn Burke

            CCC Bibliography

            Marriage Records

            Lexington Population Data

            History of Central Christian Church

            “Extracts from Deed Book”

            Central Ministers *Lists*

            Bibliographical Bibliography

            Photocopied Material from K. Stoup Central Hist.

            CB – Early Histories

            CHURCH RECORD

            Walton “Christian Church in Lexington”

            Leslie R. Smith

Dunnavant Academic Writings – Misc

            1994 AAR/SBL


            ASR – Annual Meeting 1990

            ASR – Drafts

            Lecture Notes – Augustine

            Bayer – Confessing

            BRAODUS BASH

            Tony Dunnavant (Loren’s Workshop PROCRASTINATION)

            Cane Ridge

            Bureaucracy Article

            CBP – Heritage Course

            Cultural Indicators

            D of C BIBS

            “Dormant Desire” sermon

            Encyclopedia of Religious Controversies (Greenwood)

            Encyclopedia –USA

            Fowler’s Article


            Info./data from CC in Ky [Waldrop]

            Norton Festschrift

            People Obsessed

            Restructure (PAPER)

            Lectures By/Material From Newton Fowler


            Lecture for the DCHS

            Dale Miller’s Works

            Dist. 10 Retreat 10/22-3 1993

            Disciples Digest


            Last Day Testimony

            Luther Paper

            Howard Short—

            Encyclopedia Discipliana (Ky Xn Coll)

            Readings/Workings Papers/552

            Today’s Lecture 521

            Today’s Notes for 521

            Table of Contents

            Barton College Course

            Lecture Notes (Evang.)

            DCHS Pamphlet – Chapter Two – Drafts and Materials.

            94 – Regional Ministers

            Syllabus 522 – Working Papers

            Historical Marker 5/93

            Installation Address

            Harrelson, Walter

            Central/Reg. Ass.

            Riverside Church

            Encyclopedia Discipliana Vol I, A-L

            Encyclopedia Discipliana Vol II, M-Z

Dunnavant Academic Writings – Drafts/Sources

            Index – Draft

            CHAPTER 7 – Draft and Responses

            Chapter Six – First Draft and Responses

            Chapter Seven – First Draft and Responses

            Chapter Seven REVISED

            Chapter Five: First Draft and Responses

            Chapter Five: Version Being Typeset

            Chapter Six: First Draft and Responses


            Notes From Stuart Talbert

            CB Chapter Seven (1970-1991) Stats

            Outline Point VII “Downtown”

            Outline Point VIII Staff

            Regional Service

            Outline Point V $Outreach & Capital$

            Outline Point VI Community Outreach (Prog.)

            Outline Point III Worship and Music

            Outline Point IV Education & Family Life

            Current and Capital Giving

            Burke Interviews

            Possible Illustrations Chapter Four

            Possible Illustrations Chapter Two

            CB Chapter One (1816-1841)

            CB – “World History” Chapt. 1 Photocopies

            DRAFT MATERIAL Chapt. 1-5,7

            2nd Version Being Typeset – chapts. 1,2,3,4,5

            C.B. Formatting Issues

            Lexington Background Info.

            K. Stroup’s Research Notes

            CB – Outlines & Indices


            Material for Final Editing

            Possible Illustrations Chapter One-Three

            In the Mac

            2nd Version Being Typeset – Draft and Responses


             Emphasis on Worship

            Education and Family Life Programs


            Local Community Service

            Growth in Outreach


            Possible Illustrations #1


Dunnavant Syllabi and Class Notes

            Whitehead, “Process and Reality” CH/Th 522

            Polack Religion – Past, Present, and Future CH/Th 522

            “Contemporary Quest – Barth, Brunner, Niebuhr, and Tillich CH/Th 522

            Unit Two – 3 – The Rule of St. Benedict

            St. Catherine Benencasa of Sienna. Letters.

            Pope Gregory I. & The Panegric on Benedict

            Gregory the Great “Benedict of Nursia”

            Rubick – Deane, H.A.

            Lewis – A Journey of Faith

            Harrison – Alexander Campbell’s Use of the Bible in His Views of Slavery

            Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity

            Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity

            [Misc papers outside of Folder]

            Martin Luther

            Martin Luther

            Excerpts from Young Man Luther

            Unit Two – 6, “The Forged Donation of Constantine”

            Opening the Doors.

            Dunnavant 733 Bibliography on Alexander Campbell

            Sprinkle – Alexander Campbell & the Doctrine on the Church

            Parrott – Alexander Campbell & the Bible. A view from the Christian Baptist

            Disciples Theologist Digest 1987 Vol. 2 No 1 – Boring Formation of a Tradition

            CH 636 The Reformation Unit One Readings

            CH 636 The Reformation Unit Two Readings

            CH 636 The Reformation Unit Three Readings

            CH 636 The Reformation Unit Four Readings

            CH 636 The Reformation Unit Five Readings

            CH 636 The Reformation Unit Six Readings

            Memoirs of the Rev. David Brained; Missionary to the Indians

            The Quakers: George Fox

            RESERVE C. H. 631

            St. Therese of Lisieux: Autobiography

            Merton Articles

            Thomas Merton Paul Legget

            Revolt Against Orthodoxy

            Preacher’s Son

            Sarah Moore Grimke

            Sarah Moore Grimke

            Women of the Anabaptists

            The Social Role of Santa Claus


            John Robinson – Scrooby Manor

            Excerpt from The Book of Her Life. Teresa of Avila

            Opening Doors.

            Surprised by Joy


            3- A History of Christianity: Redding in Church History

            Dunnavant (First Readings) C.H. 647 Eng. Ref.

                        “Conflict Between Spiritual and Secular Auth.”

                        S. Harrison Thomsan, “John Wyclyf” etc.

                        Chaucer “Three Canterbury Pilgrims,” etc.

            Dunnavant (Second Readings) C.H. 647 Eng. Ref.

                        Spitz on Erasmus and Erasmus

                        Pollard “Henry VIII” and Bainton on Tudor Queens

                        Rupp “William Tyndale and the English Bible”

                        Cranz on Luther and Martin Luther Writings

            Unit Two – 4 Boniface

            Dunnavant (Third Readings) C.H. 647 Eng. Ref.

                        Matthew on “Cromwell” and “dissolution of monast.”

                        Gerrish on Calvin and Calvin’s “Instruction.”

Dunnavant (Fourth Readings) C.H. 647 Eng. Ref.

            “Mary’s Second Act of Repeal”

            “John Foxe and the Women Martyrs”

            “Six Articles Act”

Dunnavant (Fifth Readings) C.H. 647 Eng. Ref.

            Routley, “39 Articles of the Church of England”

            Arthur Pollard “Richard Hooker”

            Gordon Donaldson “Knox the Man”

            “The Solemn League and Covenant”

            “Westminster Shorter Catechism”

Dunnavant (Reserve List – CH 631)

Unit 1

            Reading one

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

Unit 2

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

            Reading Six

Unit 3

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

Unit 4

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

            Reading Six

Unit 1

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

Unit 2

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

            Reading Six

Unit 3

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

Unit 4

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

            Reading Six

Unit 5

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

            Reading Six

Unit 6

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

Unit 7

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

Unit 8

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

3- “Ulfias Arian Creed & Ulfias”

Unit 5

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

            Reading Six

Unit 6

            Reading One

            Reading Two 

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

Unit 7

            Reading One

            Reading Two

            Reading Three

            Reading Four

            Reading Five

Unit 8

            Reading One

Syllabus – American Church History

Dunnavant’s Misc. Papers

            CH 522 “Take Home” Exam

            Bill Barr’s Retirement

            CH 532 Exam 4

            Notes CH Cong. Hist.

            Lecture Notes – 691

            CH 691 Tonight’s Class Bio, COPIES/ARTICLES etc.

            CH 691 – Xn Bio Papers

            LTQ – Summer 1996

            AMERC 1996

            CH 532 – Exam 1

            CH/Th 522 Spring 98

            Guidelines (532)

            Guidelines (522)


            Memos to and from S. Dowd

            Memos from R. Harrison

            [Loose Papers]

            Guidelines for Projects – American

            Intro. Amer. Rel.

            CH 638 EXAM 1

            CH 638 EXAM 2

            CH 638 EXAM 3

            CH 638 EXAM 4

            Study Help 638

            EXAMS, Keys, etc. 638

            Guidelines for Papers – American Church History

            Primary Documents – American Church History

            LTQ Spring 95


            Handouts – American Church History

            Michael Kinnamon on “Children & Communion”

            Memos from N. Fowler

            Memos to and from Paulsell

            Memos from David S.

            Memos from H. Sun

            Memos from S. Warner

            Memo to George

            Memo from Ruth K.

            Memos from B. Miller

            Memos to Michael

            Peer Evaluations

            1989 Reed Lectures

            Regional Min. Conference 1988 and 1990

            Retreat with Emmanuel

            Smith Lectures 1989ff

            Foreword – Exs.

            Herald Leader – Religion, LTS, etc

            LTS – History

            LTS – Personnel Evaluation

            Memos from P. Dare

            Tenure Decision

            Memo to Loren

            Memos from Michael

Dunnavant Syllabi and Class Notes

            531/521 Paper Guidelines

            Lecture Notes *531 Part II

            CH 531 – Notes used; Spring 88

            Class Schedules 1991-1992

            Classes Taught/Proj.

            Syllabus CH 521 Working Papers

            Notes Used CH/Th 521 (fall of 1990)

            Attendance/Participation 521

            Church to 1600 – Exam 1

            Church to 1600 – Exam 2

            Church to 1600 – Exam 3

            Church to 1600 – Exam 4

            Selected Primary Docs. 522

            CH 522/Exam 1

            CH 522/Exam 2

            CH 522/Exam 3

            CH 522/Exam 4

            Today’s Lecture 522

            Syllabus -531 CH

            531 – Selected Primary Docs

            531 – Handouts

            531 – Paper Guidelines

            531 – Reserve Books

            531 – Event Guidelines

            531 – Participation

            532 – B. of Bibs.

            532 – Syllabus

            532 – Third Exam

            Disciples of Christ History

            532 – Reserve

            532 – Bibliography

            EXAMS – Originals, etc. 532-4th

            532 – Reserves 1987-9

            532 – Primary Docs

            Handouts to Update

            532 – Handouts

            532 – Paper Guidelines

            532 – Notes Used F92

            Notes Used, CH533

            631 Medieval Church Lecture Notes

            636 Biographical Sketches and Primary Docs

            CH 636 Reformation Examinations

            CH 636 Reformation Study Helps

            CH 636 Reformation Bibliographies

            636 Paper Guidelines

            636 Presentation Guidelines

            Syllabus CH 642 Cong. History

            647 Syllabus

            647 Ref. in Eng

            647 “Lecture” Notes

            647 Textbook A. G. Dickens The English Reformation

            647 Exams

            647 Study Helps

            Course Proposal EVANGELICALISM

            Syllabus C. H. 650 Evangelicalism

            CH 731 Exam 1

            Syllabus CH 732 B. W. Stone Working Papers

            CH 732 Dunnavant Cassidy Paper

            CH 732 Dunnavant Godbey Paper

            CH 732 Dunnavant Meece Paper

            733 – Paper Guidelines

            733 Alexander Campbell SYLLABUS

            733 – Presentation Guide

            Notes on Presentations C. H. 733 – Fall ‘88

            733 Alexander Campbell BIBLIOGRAPHY

            Paper Guidelines Luther

            Calvin – Notes Used

            Syllabus – American Church History

Dunnavant Misc. Papers

            Restructure: Periodicals

            Outline/Thesis Statements

            Dissertation Publication


            Panel of Scholars

            Afro=American Hist.

            Biographical Files – Articles

            Council Attacks


            [Misc loose papers/calendar]


            Diss. Bib.

            To Edit:

            Peter Lang Publishing Correspondence

            Peter Lang Publishing PRODUCTION

            Peter Lang Publishing (Endorsements)

            Lang Edit – Nashville Trip

            Ruth’s Remarks

            Stone Book – Correspondence


            Tonny Dunnavant

            Cane Ridge Book – Title Pages, editorial changes

            Stone Book

            Cane Ridge Book – Corrections

            Tony’s Cane Ridge Book Walt’s Work/Expenses

            Contributors Corrections

            Cane Ridge Endorse

            Dictionary of Baptists


            Evangelization & Eschatology

            Mt. Pleasant “Talks”

            CMU Religion Department Meetings, etc.

            CMU – Travel Grant

            Grading Criteria (Long Version)

            Syllabus -Working Paper

            Writing Guide, 101


            [Loose Papers]

            DESK COPY DATA

            Exam Keys, Winter

            313 Midterm

            Syllabus Part 2, 101

            Syllabus Part 3, 101 

            Syllabus Part 4, 101 9:00

            Syllabus Part 4, 101 10:00

            Syllabus Part 2, 130

            Syllabus Part 3, 130

            Syllabus Part 4, 130

            Syllabus Part 2, 313

            Syllabus Part 3, 313

            Syllabus Part 4, 313

            Unit 4 Schedules, WTR


            Exam 1, 101

            2nd Exam 101

            Midterm, 101, WTR

            Exam 3, 101

            Exam 4, 101

            Exam 1, 130

            Midterm, 130, WTR

            Exam 3, 130

            Exam 4, 130

            Exam 1, 313

            2nd Exam 313

            Midterm, 313, WTR

            Exam 3, 313

            Exam 4, 313

            Tests on Disk

            130 Final

            Midterm, 130, Fall

            313 Final

            313 Study Guides

            Study Help, Exam 1, 101

            Study Help, Exam 2, 101

            Study Help, Exam 3, 101

            Study Help, Exam 4, 101

            Study Help, Exam 1, 130

            Study Help, Exam 2, 130

            Study Help, Exam 3, 130

            Study Help, Exam 4, 130


            130 Study Guides

            130 Study Guides, Final



            Work Requests


            Student Evaluations

            History of Christianity B.C.E – 1600

            Xerox Machine

            ‘Folkert Prize”

            Writing Guides 86-87

            Morning Sun – Religion


            Orthodoxy in Romania

            Buddhism Handout – Video

            Buddhism Handout – Capsule View


            Writing Guide, 130

            Writing Guide, 313

            Study Help, Exam 1, 313

            Study Help, Exam 2, 313

            Study Help, Exam 3, 313

            Study Help, Exam 4, 313

            Sample Syllabus

            Syllabus – 313


            Syllabus – 130

            Syllabus/Working Papers 638

Dunnavant Misc. Papers

            Evaluations, By Students

            Kostlevy (Drafts)

            Lipscomb PAPER




            Harris The Nature of the Church


            Nichols’s Lectures

            Cartoons from S. Dowd et al.

            CH/Th 522

                        Luther CH 734

                        John Locke The Reasonableness of Christianity 

                        John Toland, Christianity Not Mysteriousness

                        Revivalism – Whitefield and Cutter

                        “Westminster Confession of Faith”

                        Catholic Dogmas and Definitions

                        WCC (Excerpts) CH/Th 522

                        World Missionary Conference CH/Th 522

                        Watchery of the Student Volunteer Movement

                        Vatican II “Decree on Ecumenism”

                        Newman “Development of Catholic Doctrine”

                        Solovyev, Russia and the Universal Church

                        Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth

                        Edwards, “Hellfire…”


                        Berdyaev, The Ethics of Creativity

                        Ruether, Mother Earth


                        Hodge, Systematic (Biblical) Theology

                        Renewal Book

                        CH/Th 522 Church since 1600

                        Pascal, Thoughts/Pensees

                        Bolgakov, Meditations

                        Gutierrez, Liberation

                        Constitution on the Church in the Modern World

                        Wollebius, Compend. Of Christian Theology

                        The Fundamentals

                        John Carolina de Lugo

                        Pope Innocent XI

                        Bosseret, The Continuity of Religion

                        Maloney, A History of Orthodox Theology

                        Dogmatic Const. From First Vatican Council

                        Bultmann, “Demythologizing the Gospel”

                        Inspirational Reading and Electronic Fundamentalism

                        Schaff, American Dream

                        Spener, Pia, Desideria

                        George Fox, Journal

                        Phillis Wheatley

                        John Wesley, Journal

                        Brebeuf, “Instructions to Missionaries”

                        John Wesley, Perfection/Repentance

                        Pope Innocent X

                        Las Casas, Short Report

                        Pope Alexander VI

                        Kino: An Account…

                        Franck: The Practical Discourses

                        William Law: A Serious Call

            Luther: Helps/Exams

            Current – 522 Syllabus

            KMA Workshop

            90 Luther Materials

            Luther Materials ‘93

Dunnavant Dissertation Drafts

            Draft (In Smaller Box)

            Manila Envelope from Ronald Graham

            Introduction – IBM Version

            Processing Folder

            Formatting Experiments (Dissertation)


            Research Complete

            Macro Cuts

            Chapter One – IBM Version

            Chapter II – IBM Version

            Chapter III – IBM Version

            Chapter IV – IBM Version

            Chapter V – IBM Version

            Chapter VI – IBM Version

            Chapter VII – IBM Version

            Chapter VIII – IBM Version

            Chapter IX – IBM Version

Dunnavant Misc. Papers

            National Faculty Seminar on Christian Education (In Unlabeled Envelope)

            Religious Education as Growth in Practical Theological (In Unlabeled Envelope)

            National Faculty Seminar Participants (In Unlabeled Envelope)

            Two Pedagogies (In Unlabeled Envelope)

            Center for Congregational Education (In Unlabeled Envelope)

            Clintonville. Munday Thursday

            Clintonville Bulletins

            Clintonville Church Progs.

            Clintonville Prayers etc.

            Clintonville Messenger

            First Christian Church, Guthrie, Bulletins (loose)


            J. Berrian Minter

            Brief Devotionals

            Special DAY WORSHIP

            CAN COMMITTEE


            W. A. Celebration

            West Area Celebration 1983



            (4 Blank Envelopes)

            History of the First Christian Church of Guthrie (In Mead Box)

            A Covenant People

            The Passover Haggadah

            “URBAN GEOGRAPHY”

            Geography – Bibliography

            Demography Notes – Articles

Dunnavant Misc Papers

Installation Photographs

            Eldership at Central

            Central 100th Building

            Parsonage Payments

            Serious Stuff – From Colleagues

            (Loose photographs)

            Corrected Copy – Cane Ridge Book

            Semi-Serviceable Sermons


            Option for the Poor Publication

            (Loose Draft Papers)

            Personal/Biographical Records, etc.

            Health Insurance 1995-96

            (Loose Memoir Printouts)

            A Lost Tradition


            Central History on Disks

            (Various Loose Mailings)

            691 Guidelines

            (Loose Journal Volumes)

            (Loose Agendas – Central Christian Church)

            Blues Band (in binder)

            Kentucky Appalachian Ministry (Tan Folder)

            KAM Program Committee (Red Folder)

Dunnavant Misc. Papers

            Disciples Theo. Digest – Article

            Cane Ridge Day 1988

            Lipscomb and Liberation RQ DRAFT/Notes

            Lipscomb Lib – Notes, Quotes

            Lipscomb Liberation/Endnotes

            Lipscomb/Liberation notes, quotes, etc


            AAR/Lipscomb Paper – Correspondence

            Revision for Restoration Quarterly 1. Draft, 2. Letters

            Lipscomb WITHOUT Liberation Revision

            Lipscomb With Liberation Revision


            B. Breeding’s Ordination

            Correspondence RE Installation

            Lynchburg VA program

            Regional Assembly Richmond (Yellow Folder Inside This One)

            Publisher’s Reviews

            Installation Programs/Correspond.

            The Changing Posture

            Moore, W.T./Notes

            People of the Prayer

            People of the Prayer (Mid Stream)

            Administration LTQ Reviews

            Apostolicity in D.C.

            Stone Papers Responses

            Stone Essay/Notes

            STONE (notes)

            PS Fall Lecture (1990)

            Barton W. Stone Lecture


            Meetinghouse Bicentennial

            Praying for CSM Unity

            DCHS Anniversary

            Cane Ridge Lectures (Correspondence)

            Copyright Information

            Postcard from a Cane Ridge Pilgrim

            Marydale Trip

            Senior Sermon (Working Papers) ‘90

            Hughes’s Essay

            TO DO:


            Ella’s Essay

            Doran’s Writing

            Ch. Prather “Women’s Missionary Society”

            Archival Listing

            C. Frank Dunn Paper

            Eerdman’s Proposal

            Contract and related correspondence Contract for the Poor

            Kentucky Encyclopedia

            Renewal Memo

Dunnavant Misc. Papers

            Dillenberger & Welch

            Exams/Keys 521

            White Celebration

            Worship & Spiritual Formation 1988-89

            Writing Log LTS

            Marianne Sawicki’s Appeal

            Kinnamon’ Resolution

            Kinnamon on DofC/Indep. Dial.

            Response to FRC (Fowler)

            Book Orders 1989


            Today’s Lecture 531

            Ref A.V.’s

            Kinnamon’s COCU Address

            Feminist Theology Bibliography (Stephens)

            Moosnick Lecture


            Dates 1988-89

            Field Ed. Strategy

            Thumbnail Sketches of LTS

            Craddock Letter

            Info./Memoranda Mr. Ballard


            531- P. D. #2

            531- P. D. #3

            531- P. D. #4

            531- P. D. #5

            531- P. D. #6

            531- P. D. #7

            531- P. D. #8

            531- P. D. #9

            531- P. D. #10

            (Loose Papers)

            Chapter Three 1st Draft and Resp.

            Version to be Typeset CHAPTER THREE

            Chapter Four: Version Being Typeset

            Chapter Four – First DRAFT and Responses

            Chapter Four: First Draft and Responses

            FIRST DRAFT 1-4

            Chapter Four First Draft and Responses

            Chapter One (Version being Typeset)

            Chapter One First Drafts and Responses


Dunnavant Misc. Papers

            D of C Course Vus

            Correspondence: Gulley, Frank

            Suarez, “Faith, Hope, Charity”


            IMC Tambaram (Loose)

            Bloesch, “The Evangelical Renaissance”

            CH/Th 522 Syllabus (Loose)

            CH/Th 522 Lecture Notes

            Lecture Notes – 638

            Notes Used, Fall 1991, CH/Th 521

            CH/Th 521 Lecture Notes

            531 Introduction to C.H. STUDY HELPS

            CH/Th 521 Exams

            Faculty Bibliography CH691

            CH/Th 522 Since 1600 Exams

            Program in Shadyside, Ohio

            Correspondence: Gresham, Charles

            CHHIS 691 Talbert CH

            631 Medieval Church PRIMARY DOCUMENTS

            Correspondence: Friedly, Robert

            Unit 8-2, “Gerard Groote: The Following of Christ”

            Unit Eight – Reading 3

            Unit Seven – Reading Four

            Unit 6-3

            Unit 8-4

            Syllabus 636

            631 Medieval Church EXAMINATIONS



            631 Medieval Church Syllabus

            631 Medieval Church Presentations

            631 Medieval Church Paper Guidelines

631 Medieval Church Presentation Guide

            631 Medieval Church Notes on Discussion

            631 Medieval Church Bibliographies

            631 Medieval Church Study Helps

            Silly Stuff from Students and Others

            Penny’s Remarks – Destructure

            Letter’s ‘92

            Student Evaluations (Unofficial)

            Due Dates

            Linn, D of C Spiritual Formation

            Loren’s Class: Oct. 25, 1988

            To Do – Current

            Notes 521

            “Five Armenian Articles”

            Mbitri Christian Faith and African Religion

            Song, “Thelogy and Asian Culture”

            Gutierrez, Meaning of the Term

            Stroup – The Emergence of Narrative Theology

            Bonhoeffer, Selections

            Moltmann, Theology of Hope

            Martin Chemmitz, Ministry…

            Martin Chemmitz, Ministry, Word, and Sacraments

            Terretin, The Authority of Scripture

            Kant, What is Enlightenment

            Rauschenbusch, “Christianity and the Social Crisis”

            Ritschl, “Christian Doctrine of Justification”

Dunnavant Misc. Papers

            Dunnavant Soc 101-D (In Envelope)

            Dr. Major (In Envelope)

            Dunnavant HS 102-A  (In Envelope)

            Soc. Syllabi

            Social Problems

            Sociology Examinations and Study Guides


            Ed. Opps.

            Sociology: Interview Materials

            Getty Proposal

            Wesleyan University

            Employment History

            Dunnavant, Anthony L. W.A. Personnel File


            Curriculum Vitae


            Soc. Theory

            Employment History


            Wilson Stuff

            Soc. Of Rel.

            BANK ONE

            Blue Cross/Shield

            Central Michigan University

            Church & Pension Fund

            Credit Union

            Current Bus. & Finance

            Federal Reserve

            Fidelity Federal

Dunnavant Misc Papers


            Prepared Topic – WVU

            WVU – Social Science – Notes -Articles

            Religion in Appalachia

            Intro. Sociology

            Soc. Of Rel.


            Sociology – Research Methods

            “World Societies in Transition” (In Envelope)


            Anthony Dunnavant (Work)

            Sociology in Medicine (In Envelope)

            WVU Inter-departmental mail (In Envelope)

            WVU Folder

            Phys. Ed. (In Envelope)

            Introduction to Sociology (In Envelope)

            Social Psych. Social Casework (In Notebook)

            Eastern Europe (In Envelope)

            Contemporary Europe (In Envelope)

            Sociology of Social Problems (In Envelope)

            Physical Science & Minority Group Notes (In Notebook)

            SPEECH (In Envelope)

            Business Law (In Envelope)

            Industrial Sociology (In Envelope)

            Bible as Literature (In Envelope)

            Music Appreciation (In Envelope)

            English Composition (In Envelope)

            DUNNAVANT, Anthony L

            U.S. 1860 – and Afro-American History (In Envelope)

            Ecology of Man (In Envelope)

            Anthropology – Introduction (In Envelope)

            Juvenile Delinquency (In Envelope)

            America and the Future of Man (In Folder)

            From: Academic Affairs (In Envelope)

            ASIAN HISTORY (In Envelope)

            Psychology (In Envelope)

            Social Work Papers – (Charolette Friend) (In Envelope)

            WVA HISTORY (In Envelope)

            Sociological Theory -FSC (In Envelope)

            American Lit. (In Envelope)

            English Lit. (In Envelope)

            History III & History 319 (In Notebook)

            Renaissance and Reformation

            FRENCH (In Envelope)

            History 112 (In Notebook)
