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Campbell, Thomas (1763-1854)
Founder in 1809 with his son Alexander of a movement for the union of Christians by a restoration of the New Testament church. The union of this movement in 1832 with followers of Barton W. Stone formed the Stone-Campbell Movement. Thomas...
The immediate vicinity of the Alexander Campbell Mansion includes the mansion proper, Campbell’s detached hexagonal study and two dependent structures, a schoolhouse and smokehouse/springhouse. Also included is the Campbell family cemetery—”God’s Acre”—in which Campbell and members of his family are...
Edgar Dewitt Jones (1876–1956), Disciples of Christ minister, ecumenist, and author Edgar DeWitt Jones was born December 5, 1876, in Hearne, Texas, and died on March 26, 1956 in Detroit, Michigan. Growing up in Missouri, he first studied law, but...
Joseph M. Smith (1912–2011), a dedicated Disciples of Christ missionary, left an enduring legacy through his work in China, the Philippines, and beyond during and after World War II. Later, Smith held prominent leadership roles within the Division of Overseas...
Rosa Brown Bracy was born to Elder and Mrs. King R. Brown in Port Gibson, Mississippi on August 16, 1895. She attended Mary Holmes College in West Point, Mississippi and Southern Christian Institute in Edwards, Mississippi, earning a BS in...
Elizabeth “Mother” Ross was born Mary Elizabeth Williams in Indiana on February 16, 1852. She joined the Christian Church in Dayton, Ohio at age 16. She married Allison Ross on June 21, 1874, and the couple had a son, Emory...
Influential ecumenical journal historically related to the Disciples of Christ. The Christian Century started as a local denominational publication speaking for Disciples of Christ in Des Moines, Iowa, and surrounding regions. In 1884 the journal’s first editor, D. R. Lucas, chose...
African American preacher and racial reformer. Cassius began preaching in Sigourney, Iowa, in 1880. Eleven years later Cassius moved to Oklahoma Territory to preach, believing it was a place where blacks and native Americans could be free of racial prejudice and...
The Christian Woman’s Board of Missions (CWBM) was founded October 21, 1874, during a meeting of the American Christian Missionary Society (ACMS) at Richmond Street Christian Church in Cincinnati. Its purpose was to share the gospel message and improve the...
William J. Nottingham was born in Sharon, Pennsylvania on November 22, 1927 to Jess and Alice Nottingham. In 1949, he married Patricia Anne Clutts. He received his B.A. from Bethany College (Bethany, W. Va.) in 1949, a B.D. Union Theological...